There are millions of sales transactions going on eBay every single day. Ebay may be the huge internet marketplace exists. You can buy almost everything on eBay, from children toys to huge houses. Apart from this big online resource there are a lot of bad guys taking advantage of this. Now, how can you spot the good eBay seller from bad ones!
Putting items up on eBay auctions may give you danger ahead. Auction idea is where eBay seller place items for sale and buyers can make a bid at will on these items. The danger is that you don’t know the eBay seller. Can you trust them by delivering your item after payment? Is there after service once the sale made?
Often times you have no other resort than to put your trust on the eBay seller. Especially for the new sellers who have still in the process of building reputation. But there are bunch of ways you can know more about the eBay seller before you go for the right bid on an item, especially for those that have already track of sales records. Just make a quick search on eBay to dig more information about them and make a wise decision on your bidding.
In fact eBay has provided you essential tool to aid you know very well about the eBay seller beforehand. You may tap the eBay feedback system. This is a good resource to know what other buyers comments about previous transactions made from the eBay seller. The feedback may be Positive, Neutral, or Negative which is then followed by a comment of about eighty characters in length to give more details on the buying experience.
Lastly, the other aspect to find for is the eBay power seller logo. This type of logo is given to sellers who manage to keep a specific level of sales volume per month and also able to keep a good feedback rating of least 98%.
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Putting items up on eBay auctions may give you danger ahead. Auction idea is where eBay seller place items for sale and buyers can make a bid at will on these items. The danger is that you don’t know the eBay seller. Can you trust them by delivering your item after payment? Is there after service once the sale made?
Often times you have no other resort than to put your trust on the eBay seller. Especially for the new sellers who have still in the process of building reputation. But there are bunch of ways you can know more about the eBay seller before you go for the right bid on an item, especially for those that have already track of sales records. Just make a quick search on eBay to dig more information about them and make a wise decision on your bidding.
In fact eBay has provided you essential tool to aid you know very well about the eBay seller beforehand. You may tap the eBay feedback system. This is a good resource to know what other buyers comments about previous transactions made from the eBay seller. The feedback may be Positive, Neutral, or Negative which is then followed by a comment of about eighty characters in length to give more details on the buying experience.
Lastly, the other aspect to find for is the eBay power seller logo. This type of logo is given to sellers who manage to keep a specific level of sales volume per month and also able to keep a good feedback rating of least 98%.
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