Oftentimes new money making ideas are instantly usable. However, some other times you simply let your imagination flow weird.
This a great way to get your creative thinking works to the fullest. Even how weird your ideas may sense at first, there's usually a good way to realize them. The following are some of the weird money making ideas you may consider as an inspiration to make your own.
I leave it to you to look a way to transform these into money making ideas. Have fun on it!
1. Put comfortable seats on the airplane's wings and sell rides to thrill people.
2. Sell advertising spot on the surface of the moon.
3. Rent out the wild animals in the zoo.
4. Open an underwater academic school.
5. Have a marriage insurance policy that shoulders the cost of divorce.
6. Create a swimming pool type of restaurant where diners sit floating seats while eating with floating plates.
7. Rent out children to undecided prospective parents.
Allow yourself to scan the above list and stop on any weird ideas that get your attention. Chances are too good that you can look some other ways to divert it into a more realistic idea, and that's the purpose. This kind of exercise in your imagination may be interesting, but it's also an awesome strategy for getting a great money making ideas that not even been tried before.
This a great way to get your creative thinking works to the fullest. Even how weird your ideas may sense at first, there's usually a good way to realize them. The following are some of the weird money making ideas you may consider as an inspiration to make your own.
I leave it to you to look a way to transform these into money making ideas. Have fun on it!
1. Put comfortable seats on the airplane's wings and sell rides to thrill people.
2. Sell advertising spot on the surface of the moon.
3. Rent out the wild animals in the zoo.
4. Open an underwater academic school.
5. Have a marriage insurance policy that shoulders the cost of divorce.
6. Create a swimming pool type of restaurant where diners sit floating seats while eating with floating plates.
7. Rent out children to undecided prospective parents.
Allow yourself to scan the above list and stop on any weird ideas that get your attention. Chances are too good that you can look some other ways to divert it into a more realistic idea, and that's the purpose. This kind of exercise in your imagination may be interesting, but it's also an awesome strategy for getting a great money making ideas that not even been tried before.